October 13-16

 Hello Grade 3 Families! 

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving long weekend. We had a busy week in Grade 3 learning. 


- Each morning we start our day looking at a picture and doing OWI (Observing, Wondering and Infering) in our descriptive writing. Students are working on making their sentences more interesting by using a variety of sentence starters. 

- Every week students will be giving a Words Their Way (WTW) sort. Students are quickly learning the weekly routines: choosing a sort, writing sentences, and once they are completed their work searching for the words in a word search!

- We practiced brainstorming, planning, and writing this week in preparation for our Student Learning Assessment next week. 


- Each day we do a Math Brain Warm Up, the students have loved the esti-mysteries! Students use their critical thinking skills to make an estimate and use clues to narrow down to a smaller set of numbers. After working through the clues, students make their final estimate and we *drumroll please* reveal the answer. I have posted a estimystery on our Google Classroom for you to do as a family!

- This week we have started discussing place value and practiced representing numbers (0-1000) using base ten blocks. Students have engaged in class discussions and practice using their individual blocks and whiteboards to demonstrate understanding. 


- We have had fun exploring and learning about different animals. Students have been accessing a lifecycle guided research project on Google Classroom to learn about the lifecycles of some common animals. Please ask your child about what they have learned and some fun facts about the animals! 

As always, please let us know if you have any questions! We look forward to speaking with you on October 19 for conversations about your student's learning!

Recess fun on Thursday, excited kids with the first day with snow!


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