
Showing posts from March, 2021

March 15-19

 In Math we have been working on Fractions. Students explored different shapes and figured out all the ways to split the shapes into Equal Parts. They soon discovered sometimes they could use a shape within another shape to divide it up. The students enjoyed making different fractions for their partners to solve. 

March 8-12

 In Grade 3 we have been very focused on our Literacy Centres where we work on developing into skilled readers. With a small group, the students are focusing on targeted skills such as decoding, phonological awareness, and comprehension reading text. We also practice a letter and sound recognition game to focus on students phonemic awareness in our small groups and at the end of each day with the whole class. These are some photos of a couple of our groups working with a teacher:    We were very lucky this week to have a virtual field trip titled The Carnival of the Animals. Our students watched a performance and then interacted during a Question and Answer session. We experienced poetry telling a story about animals and fossils with beautiful piano music to go along with each part. We also were joined by a Palaeontologist student from the University of Calgary to talk about fossils, dinosaurs, and some of the animals she is focusing her studies on. The students asked tho...

March 1-5

 Hi Grade 3 Families! We are so excited to be back at school today. Mrs. Sergent and Ms. McPherson want to thank all of you for your patience, understanding, and commitment to our online learning. We were so happy to see all of the students attend our GoogleMeets and complete the Classwork.  We are excited to show you the learning we will be doing this Spring in Grade 3!