
Showing posts from October, 2020

October 19-23

 Hi Families,  We had a very busy week in Grade 3, writing SLAs and preparing for our first virtual assembly! SLAs - We did a writing assessment, an online Literacy, and an online Math portion.  - Students all tried their best and worked very hard during the assessments! Assembly - The Grade 3s hosted our first every virtual Keeler Circle of Courage Assembly.  - We are so proud of all of the students for their contributions planning, practicing roles, and recording videos and sound.  - Our Assembly this week focused on the Belonging pillar, please ask your child how they show belonging at school, how they know they belong, and how they can demonstrate it at home.  - I have attached our version of "The Kids Book about Belonging" by Kevin Carroll.  Parent Teacher Conferences - Please sign up for a conference on October 29 from 1-8pm. The times are 15 mins and will be over the phone. 

October 13-16

 Hello Grade 3 Families!  We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving long weekend. We had a busy week in Grade 3 learning.  ELA - Each morning we start our day looking at a picture and doing OWI (Observing, Wondering and Infering) in our descriptive writing. Students are working on making their sentences more interesting by using a variety of sentence starters.  - Every week students will be giving a Words Their Way (WTW) sort. Students are quickly learning the weekly routines: choosing a sort, writing sentences, and once they are completed their work searching for the words in a word search! - We practiced brainstorming, planning, and writing this week in preparation for our Student Learning Assessment next week.  MATH - Each day we do a Math Brain Warm Up, the students have loved the esti-mysteries! Students use their critical thinking skills to make an estimate and use clues to narrow down to a smaller set of numbers. After working through the clues, students ...

Scholastic Book Order

 Hi Families! Attached is a letter about Scholastic Reading Club. This year we will be doing Reading Club online, please let your teacher know if you have any questions. Here are your class codes: Mrs. Sergent: RC156984 Mrs. Auger: RC154787

Classroom Update

 Here are some photos of our Grade 3 classroom, we are in rooms 15 & 16 upstairs. Thank you parent council for purchasing supply bins for each student. The students are taking pride in keeping their supplies organized! When you enter the classroom you will see our sanitizing and cleaning station. Each time we enter or exit we hand wash and use the sanitizing spray and wipes to clean our bins daily. We are following all protocols in Grade 3 and looking forward to a safe and successful school year!